Episode 002 — Manosphere Time Blocking
You are listening to the Jason V. Homes podcast, a weekly podcast about economics, world events, life in Korea, the manosphere, entrepreneurship, his book, and more. Now your host Jason.
0:00:00.6 S1: Good morning, everyone. Today is Saturday, August 21, 2021, and it is 4:33 AM here in South Korea, and you’re listening to Episode Number Two, Manosphere Time Blocking. Alright, today we are at my [chuckle] kitchen table shooting the second podcast, and I’ll get a little bit more into that later why. So constructive criticism, constructive feedback, is significant and can be useful for improving yourself, your processes, your company, just anything in general, when it’s valuable, constructive criticism and feedback. So those of you who watch YouTube, who follow a particular channel, or in this case channels, and the ones I’m talking about are the Aba and Preach, and the Fresh and Fit Podcast YouTube channels.
0:00:54.8 S1: There’s a little bit of beef right now between those two. And it stems from Aba and Preach, in my personal opinion, who was providing constructive criticism towards Fresh and Fit Podcast on the past collaboration, whatever that they did together a few months ago. And for anyone who knows Aba and Preach, Aba and Preach gives anyone and everyone constructive criticism and feedback and is very detailed, is very enlightened and intellectual, smart constructive criticism, ’cause they believe in people should be held to the integrity and stuff that, especially when you have a platform like Fresh and Fit that talks about the alpha male, or men should be men and this and that, but you aren’t actually practicing what you’re preaching, you know, snake oil salesmen.
0:01:44.7 S1: So Aba and Preach, gave ’em constructive feedback on a particular topic, which is about paying for the poon, right? And the Fresh and Fit Podcast, instead of them actually practicing what they preach, which is maintaining their emotions, being held accountable, instead they lashed back at Aba and Preach, and then also lashed at Preach’s wife, and said some derogatory things about Preach’s wife, about his country, and then they started attacking Aba and Preach’s aesthetics, the way they look and don’t know how they probably might stink, and this and that. So it’s funny because that same type of behavior that Fresh and Fit showed, is the same type of behavior they accuse women, especially women who come on the Fresh and Fit Podcast of doing, which is being emotional, attacking people on things that have nothing to do with the topic, [chuckle] not being held accountable.
0:02:48.5 S1: And so pretty much, it was ridiculous, and now backfired on them. They’re losing subscribers and everything. It’s crazy. But, I say that, because those of you who listened to my first episode, provided me with constructive feedback and criticism, and I want to say thank you very much for that. Alright? I now say that, and I want everyone to know. Please give me your feedback. Tell me what you think, tell me what you don’t like. My goal is to provide value to those who listen to this, and for me to provide the best value, is for me to take your feedback that is constructive, ’cause you know, of value, and review it and see what I can and can’t do with it. Not to attack you, not to say, “How dare you.” None of that foolishness. So for example, some of the common feedback that I got was, I was talking too fast in the intro and the outro, and probably throughout the whole podcast. So with that, I went ahead and hired a professional guy to do my intro and outro for me.
0:03:54.9 S1: Some other feedback that I got was that I was whispering in the podcast. And yeah, I get it, because I was doing it in my bedroom, and my work desk in my bedroom, and my daughter, she was asleep in the bed next to my desk, so I wasn’t trying to wake her up. So that’s why now I’m at the kitchen table recording this while my daughter is in the room, door closed, so now I’m not whispering and I’m not rushing as well, so I’m able to talk a little bit more calmly and cool. So thank you for that feedback. Continue to give me that feedback, and if you haven’t listened to the first episode, please listen to the first episode. [chuckle] I appreciate you. Now, onto other things. So the Jason V. Holmes Podcast is now also offered on Google Podcasts, Spotify, Breaker, Radio Public, and of course, Anchor. And more distribution channels to come, and I will give you those updates, and like I said, you just go to those platforms that I mentioned and just search the Jason V. Holmes Podcast, and my lovely profile picture will pop up and boom, listen away. Alright?
0:05:01.5 S1: Now for the transcripts of the show. The way I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna post it to Medium, and Medium is pretty much like an independent platform for writers, journalists, bloggers, to monetize their content. I’m not gonna monetize my posts I’m gonna put up there, so I’m not gonna put it behind Medium’s paywall. The first one I did by accident. I’m gonna go ahead and fix that, but all the transcripts of the show will not be behind a paywall on Medium. They’ll be free for everyone to read, see some of the images that I will put up. I’ll probably put up a few affiliate links for some of the things that I’ve mentioned, like some of the books that I talk about and whatnot in my podcast, or the various products, but yeah, so you’ll be able to get those there, and the links to my… The posts will be in the podcast description. Now onto the schedule. So the last podcast that I posted, was random on a Tuesday, [chuckle] August 17th, and the reason why, is that I just needed to get started. I know a lot of times, a lot of people like to wait until all the planets are in line, the smell in the air is just perfect, the light how it bounces off [chuckle] or something is…
0:06:12.2 S1: And I was like, “No, get it done.” Reap the band-aid off Jason, and get it done, alright, and that’s what I did. ’Cause before all the equipment was sitting in the bag in my shop for about a month, and then I finally went ahead, took the equipment from the shop, brought it home, set up the equipment, and then the equipment kind of sat there for almost two weeks. And then I was like, “Screw it, Jason. Get it done.” So I just, boom, did the first episode, and now we’re here on the second episode. So my plan is still to do a weekly podcast, and I’m gonna post every Saturday at 5:00 PM Korea Standard Time, which is Friday, 3:00 PM central time. And the reason why is ’cause I want to give time to work on the sound quality, getting the transcript put together, getting the blogpost put together, so when I do post the podcast, all of this stuff is together for you guys. So that’s all I have for housekeeping. Now, let’s get started with the show.
0:07:10.8 S1: So Manosphere Time Blocking, alright. Before we start, let’s read a definition of manosphere. So the Cambridge Dictionary says “Manosphere is websites and internet discussion groups that are connected with men’s interest and rights as opposed to women’s, often connected with opposition to feminism or dislike women, some parts of the manosphere have been described as promoting misogynistic world view, inherent gender differences are a popular topic in the manosphere. This is a vast and diverse network of blogs and forums.” So when I was looking up the definition of manosphere, that kept me… This is a very negative [chuckle] definition on it, and it’s funny because I follow some YouTubers who I guess you could say come from the manosphere and they don’t spew misogynistic views. I unfollow fresh and football guys. [laughter] But for the most part, some other ones I do follow, they don’t hate women and I don’t hate women. What it is, is they hate the… Kind of like the hypocrisy or the, for example, we have women who wanna be modern, but men are still expected to be traditional, but even the laws are still also traditional, meaning that… And in particular in America, meaning that when it comes to divorce and all that, it’s still based on old-school traditional views on men and women in marriages, right. But yeah, we’re moving to a world where women are more modern.
0:08:50.2 S1: So some of the issues that people from the manosphere bring up is that “Okay, hey look, y’all want this whole equality thing, but the laws don’t reflect that, the roles don’t really truly reflect that. All that we see is, no, y’all just want more power, alright. Y’all don’t really want equal opportunity, but yet, you don’t want an equal outcome.” If I’m making any sense. Meaning that everyone is supposed to get the same thing, but not everyone needs to put in the same input, and that’s the issue that some men have. Now, yes, you do have these extreme guys who are very… How do I say it… Come off like they hate women, yeah. You’re gonna have those extremist types of characters in various groups, right. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that’s the whole group’s view on it, ’cause there are different subgroups within the manosphere who do believe, “No, look, we like women. Alright, don’t get it wrong. We just want there to be some accountability, some… Make it make sense.” Okay, what about divorce law, are we gonna modernize that as well? And that’s the type of stuff that I follow and I agree with. “Okay, cool, I’m all for gender equality, but is it true equality?” That is the thing.
0:10:07.1 S1: And also what it is that women don’t have rights to that men can get. ’Cause I can tell you there’s a lot of things that women have rights to that men can’t get, right. And a lot of it is due to certain biological reasons, but men are complaining about it. We’re like “Alright, cool, we get it.” This is how it is. It is what it is. Anyways, so like I said, there are good parts of the manosphere. There are certain people who are levelheaded, who aren’t the crazy side of that space, I’ll say, and today we’re gonna get into what I’m gonna talk about, which is manosphere and time blocking, which is kind of… I want to focus on how men could be more productive and also attract better women. Because part of the issue in the manosphere is men feel like they got out of horrible relationships. They felt they got taken advantage of in those relationships, so a lot of the time they’re like “That’s what it is.” They hate women because they got a bad deal. They got divorced, lost all their money, lost the kids, and they got left with just canned tuna [chuckle] on the street. So, naturally, those guys are gonna be a little bit, a little bit salty about women. So, I’m gonna take it to… Now we’re gonna talk about… And with men, you have two valuable resources, and women too, but I’m talking to the men here. This is focused on them.
0:11:35.8 S1: Anyway, so you have two valuable resources, your time and your money. Alright. Time is number one. The reason being is ’cause you cannot buy more time, you can have all the money in the world, but you can’t buy more time. That minute is gone, it’s gone, you can’t get it, but that $1, you can replace the $1. You can replace your money. Your time is precious. So, for example, you have men who spent 10 plus years in a marriage and they lost all their money in this and that. In order for them to at least get out of that financial burden, they now probably give up another five or 10 years to replace that money they lost. So once again, the money can be replaced, but the time that they gave initially can’t be replaced. So as men, how do we protect our time and protect our money? And I think instead of focusing on the bad women that we came across, we should start focusing on maybe making ourselves better men, that will start attracting better quality women. And I say that because I feel like, especially your first marriage or whatever. Or your second marriage, it depends on… If you are military, you probably got two or three marriages on your belt, but anyways, it’s easy for us to blame the women that we came across, and should we?
0:13:07.4 S1: We probably have every right to say that woman was horrible. Right, cool. But then, there’s something that I read in a book that talks about like, even Jocko Willink talk about Extreme Ownership. Or when you blame other people, what you’re doing is you’re saying that person had power over you, over you, right? So as men, we want to do our best to try to look at every situation and what could I have done to avoid that outcome? And then let me study that and make sure I take notes and make sure to avoid that in the future. That way, we stay in a frame where we have power, we get away from the group in the manosphere that says, “I hate all women.” Instead, we say, “Okay, look, what can I do to be a better man so I can attract a better quality woman for me who’s not going to put me through that same BS that the last woman did?” Right?
0:14:05.3 S1: And that’s, I think that’s a healthier way to go. Because we can, and I’m speaking from experience, I was in a dark space, you know, and because I was in that space, and because I was blaming another person, all I was doing was giving the other person power, and I was robbing myself of power resulting in me going deeper and deeper and deeper into a dark hole. And I was kind of getting closer to that extreme side of the manosphere, cause I was saying, “All women ain’t shit.” Do you know what I’m saying? So, to get away from that side, I need to be, “Okay, look, that person no longer has power, that person doesn’t have power and control over me, I have power and control over myself. I have power over my time and my money. Now how can I protect my time and money in future relationships?” And the way to do that is to become a better man. Because the better quality man you become the better quality woman you will attract. And therefore reduce your chances of being with a woman who isn’t worth your time and money.
0:15:15.7 S1: So I’m gonna talk about time blocking. I like it. I heard about it before, a friend of mine, she’s no longer stationed here. She told me about it. She said, “Like a lot of people who are very busy with a lot on their plate, use it.” And pretty much time blocking is a way for you to organize and structure your time. Alright, like I said, as men, our time is our most valuable thing. Therefore, we should take time to make sure that we are going to optimize our time wisely. Yeah, we want to play video games, we want to do all kinds of things but if you want to like I said, attract a better woman than you had in the past, then you need to focus on making yourself a better man. Now, so the future women that you attract will be of better quality. So time blocking, pretty much it’s, so you sit down, I use Google Calendar and pretty much what I do is okay, cool, what do I have to do? So I’m in the United States Air Force. I take care of my daughter, I’m a single dad, take care of my daughter full time. I also have a side business. I’m working on a book, I have this podcast. And I’m also taking a course on project management. So I have a lot on my plate. [chuckle] Right? And when you have a lot on your plate, the last thing you want to do with your time is shoot from the hip. All right? And sadly, that’s what I was doing.
0:16:44.6 S1: By Me shooting from the hip resulted in me dropping the ball on things at my day job, side business, all kinds of the other things. So you don’t want to do that. You don’t want to be shooting from the hip. Because especially as you become you move up in your career, your company, you start having a lot more responsibilities, and you can’t afford to shoot from the hip because the quality of things you’re doing will start to decrease, things will start being done late, people get angry and it’s not a good look. So time blocking will allow you to structure your day, will allow you to sit down and say, “Okay, cool. In this block, I’m going to focus on meditating for 30 minutes when I wake up in this other block, I’m gonna focus on writing for my book for 30 minutes. In this block, I’m gonna focus on the podcast, and so on so forth. So you block out the time. Now we’re not gonna go in too deep about what you do in those blocks like the task, that’s gonna be a different episode, but we’re just gonna focus on blocking.
0:17:50.8 S1: Alright? Just boom, here you go. This chunk of time is reserved for my Air force job. This chunk of time is reserved for taking my daughter to play, are we gonna draw, and this and that. This chunk of time is to cook dinner. So we were focusing on the frame. And the task is like the organs and the skins and all that but that’s like it gonna be another episode. So as you start structuring your time using time blocking, you start seeing, in the views and like I do, I use Google Calendar and I’ll put an image up of my calendar so you can see, as you now have this vision of how your time is allocated throughout the day, you start realizing, “Holy crap.” It also shows you what is taking up most of your time and invertedly, what is the most important to you as well.
0:18:43.0 S1: And also you see I don’t have the time to be wasting on no any woman. I have all this stuff to do, alright? So I can just waste the time that I do have available because you can put in there, this time’s for playing video games, this time’s for watching Pornhub, [chuckle] This time is for working out, this time is for this. And then you start looking, “Okay, now what do I have leftover for relationships, alright? And you don’t want just to be available for any woman.
0:19:20.3 S1: What I mean, you as a man, you should have things going on for yourself, it shouldn’t just… Your work and then… No. You need to have things going on for yourself that make you a better quality man for your family, and your community. Yes, we want women in our lives. However, but we as men need to be men of value, I’m not saying, high value, what I mean is men who are able to take care of their family, take care of their responsibilities, take care of their community. And when you are focusing on being that type of man, your times are important because you need to block out times in your day that push you or improve you to be a better man for your family, and your community. Now, and as you have this time block, you start realizing, “Hold on, I can’t be wasting my time with any type of woman.” Any woman that comes to me has to understand, “Hey, look, I have a lot of responsibilities in my day.” And if she’s a hood booger, you definitely don’t wanna waste your time with a hoodbooger.
0:20:24.2 S1: So then what ends up happening is you start realizing as you’re doing this time blocking, you start noticing like, “Man wait a minute.” You stop wasting time actually, you start optimizing your days a lot better, now are you gonna do everything exactly as your schedule? No. But, you will have more focus. Your days will be more organized and you will be more inclined to tell people, “No” because you have things already planned. And what that means is you are now taking more control of your time, and of your environment, you are giving yourself more power going back to what I said earlier, whereas in the manosphere, we need to get away from blaming women who did us wrong, this and that, let’s get away from that. ’Cause all we doing is saying we don’t have power. So instead, we’re reframing our way of thinking to a point, “I have power, I’m taking control, I’m gonna take control of my time so I could be a better man than I could take care of family and my community.” And that’s how I see us using time blocking because boom, “Here’s my day, this is my focus for today, this is my mission for today, this is what I need to accomplish for the day.”
0:21:35.3 S1: And when you have that type of focus like I say, it becomes hard for anyone that you don’t feel is deemed valuable for your time to come in, and corrupt that. So hopefully you will start vetting women a lot better, you start vetting women like… I don’t know the word I want to use but you get better at vetting women who want to be part of your life, or who you might consider part of life. You’re like, “Look, this is my day, this is the things I got to do, this is my goal to be a better man for my family and for my community. Does this woman, or women… You might be talking to multiple women at the same time, does this woman fit in this?” And if she doesn’t, you just say, “Okay, look, no disrespect for you, but it’s not gonna work out.” And then that is how we as men, hopefully, get better women partners in the future with that. I kind of talked on, so recap why men should use time blocking once again, so we can have more structure, have more focus, and remember, have more discipline in our days, ’cause discipline equals freedom, like Jocko once said, “Discipline equals freedom.”
0:22:51.7 S1: So the more discipline we have as men, the more freedom that we have because if we don’t have discipline, we end up just going with anything and everything, right? We end up just going with any woman that smiles at us and ends up happening that woman is probably not the best quality woman for us, but because we didn’t have discipline in our time, in our day, we didn’t structure it, we didn’t structure our days based on us trying to be better men for our family and community, we end up getting with the wrong type of women, so, therefore, we need to focus on structuring our days so that we can be better men for our family and for our community. And any woman who comes around us who’s interested in us, we then need to look at her and see, “Does she fall in line with me trying to be a better man for our family and community.” And if she does not then, respectfully tell her, “Look, I am not the one for you.” And keep it moving. Don’t worry, there’s plenty of women in the sea. [chuckle] There’s not a shortage of women, trust me. So tell her, “Sorry, not gonna work out,” don’t worry about it, ’cause the focus isn’t the woman directly, the focus is you being a better man, so the woman who is suitable for you when you come across her it would be quicker for you to say, “Yeah, this is a good fit.”
0:24:15.4 S1: Also means, we’re trying to make ourselves better men, that’s gonna attract the quality of women that is complimentary and supportive of us as better men for our family and our community, simple as that. Now, will you get some hoodboogers that slip through? Yes. [laughter] And some of that hoodboogers slip through quickly, “Get out, get out of here,” alright? So, I talked about it earlier. Yeah, so I’m a single dad, and I take care of my daughter fulltime on my own, and I am intel in the United States Air Force who works in a construction management section of a civil engineering Squadron. So just those two responsibilities alone are very demanding on my time. And then on top of that I run a small business on the side called Sontag Mugs, and we make custom mugs, tshirts, bags, all kinds of things, and our selection of items is growing as well. And then I’m also working on my education, and I’m taking… And in that I am taking a Project Management course online, so I can become better at managing tasks and people ’cause one of my future careers I’m looking at going into is project management remotely, so being able to work from anywhere and not be tied to just a desk but I can be… Work from anywhere is what I’m looking to do in the future. And then I am also working on my book, The Fivestory Building.
0:25:54.0 S1: And trying to get more back in the gym more consistent, so I can stop being a professional dad bod. [chuckle] You know, you got professional bodybuilders, but right now I’m a professional dad bod. But yeah, so I have all that going on, and since I’m a very visual person… And a few years ago a friend of mine, told me about how executives, and senior CEOs, and high-ranking officers, use time blocking to help them plan everything in their day, even down to spending time with their family. And then recently, I had some work performance issues, not properly tasking things and missing deadlines because I wasn’t… And like I said earlier, I was shooting from the hip. I was shooting from the hip on my time. So I was like, “Alright dang, “I need to get some things together.”
0:26:54.7 S1: So I decided to take my friend’s advice from years ago, and start time blocking. And it’s actually if you’re visual like me, I use Google Calendar and I put everything up there, and looking at it, you’re like, “Holy crap. Okay, yeah, I shouldn’t have been shooting from the hip. I really need to be properly managing, organizing my time effectively.” I just started as a week… And already within a week, I noticed a huge, dramatic difference in my focus big time, and I waste way less time. I deleted a lot of social media apps from my phone, ’cause it was robbing me of focus and time as well. So then when you couple that with time blocking, your days start to become a lot more efficient, and at the end of the day, you actually feel better, because you actually feel like you got stuff done. You didn’t feel busy, you felt productive.
0:27:54.8 S1: We don’t want to be busy. Busy just means… You can be busy doing anything. But the thing you’re doing to keep you busy might not even be productive, you’re just wasting time. And that’s why I said earlier, “Men, we need to stop just being busy, we need to stop wasting time.” We need to be more productive, we need to be more conscious of our time, and when we’re conscious of our time, we start realizing, “No, I don’t wanna… I’m not doing that.” I’m looking at my schedule, I have other important things to do. And if I allocate time for this busy work or this person who ain’t worth my time, I’m robbing something of the importance of time. Do you hear what I’m trying to say? So that’s what I’m saying, it is important for us to consider using time blocking, ’cause it will give you focus, it will give you direction, it will give you a better sense of your day actually, and purpose as well. I think that’s the thing, having a strong purpose, and then at the end of the day, feeling like you did something of value, is a good feeling.
0:28:54.2 S1: It’s a little win, ’cause if you just spent all day sitting on the couch playing video games, eating chips and they fall on your stomach so you can easily clean them up, and so naturally you start feeling like a bum. You start going, “I ain’t doing nothing with myself.” Well, yeah, you’re not looking at your time as the most valuable asset that you have. And by you sitting down and time blocking, what you’re telling yourself, what you’re telling the universe, is that “My time is important.” It’s like budgeting. I use a Google sheet to budget my money. Why? Why do people budget? It’s because their money is important. They want to make sure they are allocating funds to the right things versus not having a budget and you just allocate funds to whatever shows up. It’s like when you don’t have a plan for your money, or your time, someone else can easily come along with a plan for your money and time and use your resources for what they have planned.
0:29:52.1 S1: So when you have a plan, it becomes harder for outside people to take control over your time and money. And that goes back to what I’m saying. As men, as we get better at managing our time, we also get better at vetting what woman is worth our time. Because we see it every day, we see what we got to do to make us better men for our family and a community, and because we see it and we understand our time a lot better, we are like, “Wait, I’m sorry, you ain’t worth it.” [chuckle] You know what I’m saying? We then stop wasting time, we then stop wasting time with the wrong people as well. And one other thing I noticed with time blocking, you see what you value. If that makes any sense. You see what you value, or you see what takes up the most of your time. And then, and as you get better at budgeting your time, essentially what we’re talking about, is we’re talking about budgeting your time. Just like budgeting your money, you’re budgeting your time.
0:30:55.4 S1: As we get better at budgeting our time, we start asking ourselves, “What can I do?” Like for example, now I’m looking at the biggest time consumer in my day is the United States Air Force. So I’m like, “Dang. The biggest thing in my time budget is the Air Force.” Great. It’s a great job. I volunteered for it, I appreciate all the experiences that I have received from it. Trust me, I had a whole lot of them. But at the same time, I’m like, “Man.” As you look at how your time is spent, you start seeing what do you really value? And me right now, I notice even looking at this, and this is the egregious thing, I was like, “What I really value is family, community, and education.” Family, like my daughter. I really want to free up more time so I can be more engaged, and more active, and less tired, because the Air Force, it’s tiring. It tires you out. Especially with my job in the Air Force. Less tired so I can be more present for my daughter. That’s the family thing I value. In a community, I want to be more present for my community, or even as YouTube… I mean, even this podcast I’m building, the book that I’m working on. I’m part of a nonprofit here in the local community.
0:32:11.1 S1: I want to be more available for the community. And then another thing that’s important is education. Yeah, I’m taking an online course, but I do actually want to go back to college and focus on college. I tell people, for me, trying to do college and Air Force at the same time, for me, mentally, it doesn’t work for me.” It requires too much bandwidth on both, I’m mentally taxed out a lot of times and you know, I have all these other things going on. But education’s important because the more educated you are… And education doesn’t necessarily mean going to college. Education means, reading a book, listen to an audiobook, taking a course, learning skills that make you a much valuable man for your family and your community. So that’s why my three values are family, community, and education.
0:32:56.3 S1: So, like I said, in its clarity… And this clarity coming from my time blocking. So that’s what I’m saying. As a man, we should look at using time blocking to help us be more disciplined in our day, to help us gain more focus in our day, and to help us gain clarity in what we value. And then as we start getting our stuff together in these areas, we will then naturally stop picking women who aren’t in line with that, if that makes any sense. Because why? You’re now taking control of your day, control of your time. You’re not just shooting from the hip, you’re not just reacting. You’re being proactive in your day, in your time. You are seeing, you’re analyzing. You’re like, “Oh man, I can do this.” Boom, “If I can allocate time over here, and then I really realize that this is what I really value,” because we make time for what we value. We make time for what is important to us, and understanding that about yourself will also help you gain clarity in what you value. And then once you have a clear understanding of what you value, you then will start picking women that are in line with your values.
0:34:15.6 S1: Therefore we will stop picking the wrong woman. Because a man that doesn’t have values, a man who’s not focused, who doesn’t understand what their purpose is will fall subject to the wrong woman, because women, believe it or not, some women, have a focus. And a lot of time, it’s your time and money, is their focus. And if they come across a man who doesn’t properly protect and control and optimize his time and money, any woman can easily come in and take advantage of that lack of discipline you have. Thus resulting in us having a bad experience with the wrong women.
0:35:00.5 S1: So that goes back to what I said earlier, is we need to take ownership in the fact that the wrong woman that we came across is a result from us not having the proper discipline and control in our time, which is the most valuable resource that we have. So thank you for listening. So let’s recap, recap real quick. And I think I kind of did it, but let’s do it one more time. So the manosphere… I guess I’m gonna focus on being productive. [chuckle]
0:35:36.8 S1: Like being a productive person, a man in the manosphere, I guess that’s gonna be my contribution to this space, things like this. ’cause also means you want to walk through life being a master of your universe. Not necessarily, “I’m an alpha.” No. No. Instead of trying to have this alpha mindset, have the “You are the master of your universe.” Also means, “You are the master of yourself.” You control yourself, nobody else controls you. And apparently being in control of yourself, being disciplined, having a set of values that you’re clear on, essentially makes you alpha without you having always to scream, “I’m alpha. I’m alpha. You know what I’m saying?” No, just being disciplined, being in control of yourself, being the master of your universe a.k.a. The master of yourself, essentially makes you alphalike. Do you get what I’m saying? And when people approach you and they see this discipline in you and they see this control that you have over yourself, they will naturally respect you.
0:36:39.3 S1: They will naturally gravitate to you. They will look to you for advice, guidance, and leadership because you want to follow someone who has clarity, who is in control of themselves, and of their universe, because those are things you want, that is as attractive, not just to other women, but to other men who are also trying to be in such control of themselves. The key isn’t to control others, the key is to have control over yourself if that makes any sense. But anyway, so yeah. So that was episode number 2. I really do hope you like it. Please give me feedback, comment, share. If you haven’t listened to the previous episode, please listen to the previous episode. And for Episode 3, we’re gonna talk about the manosphere and creating tasks. So this one was talking about time blocking, which is the steel frame of taking control of your time. Then we’re gonna talk about actually creating the various tasks within each of those blocks of your own time blocking.
0:37:37.0 S1: So once again, thank you for listening, and the quote I want you to focus on is the one I said earlier, “Discipline Equals Freedom” by Jocko Willink. Discipline Equals Freedom. Discipline doesn’t necessarily mean bad. Alright, let me clarify that. Discipline is not a bad thing. Discipline is actually you showing that you care about yourself. Discipline is good. Let me say that again, discipline is good, ’cause discipline teaches you. It helps your day along because think about it if you’re disciplined… And today we had an NCO call with our chief, Chief Bogin, he’s a big self-development guy. Cool guy, I love him. No homo pause. Cool guy. And he said it today, “Discipline Equals Freedom.” And it’s an excellent quote. Here’s the thing about it. If you are disciplined in your diet, you on the back end can eat those extra Oreo cookies. I am not disciplined in my diet, my behind should not be eating any Oreo cookies. So because I am not disciplined in my diet, I don’t have the freedom to eat the Oreo cookies, but if you are disciplined in your diet, you have the freedom to eat the Oreo cookies. Now, does that make any sense? So Discipline Equals Freedom. Discipline yourself, have control, be the master of your universe, don’t let someone else be the master of you. Alright, thanks for listening to The Jason B. Holmes Podcast.
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