What Is A Thot? Ebook Coming Soon; SEO Research Part 1

Jason V. Holmes
3 min readAug 3, 2018


My side experiment to create a ebook off of keywords with high search volume and very low paid ads competition. In this post I am not going to talk about what the ebook will be about. Instead I will talk about how I will use SEO research to help me come up with the concept.

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Why Thot?

I was having a conversation and the term thot came up. Yes, a simple conversation sparked this idea. In the past I produced a eBook before that was for adults and it was mainly a photobook. It was a small project but I made back what I invested and made $1,000 in profit from that side project. Lately I been wanting to produce another eBook but do better than my last one. I want to see if can make $2,000 in profit from this side project at least and also get some practice in using SEO.

Google Trends

The first research tool I used was Google Trends and below you can see the data that I got when I searched thot. I filtered it to show me worldwide results just for 2018.

Interest Over Time

Interest By Region

Related Queries


After my Google Trends research I wanted to get some more in depth information so I used my Twinword research tool called “Ideas” and let me tell you that this tool is great. It’s also very affordable. I paid $179.88 for a year subscription to the Pro level and below I will share screen shots of some of the data I was able to get from searching thot on their platform.

Twinword Suggestions on Thot
Twinword Trending on Thot

I worked with the Twinword team before at their office and they are making some cool Keyword research tools. You can follow them on Twitter.

A mockup of “What Is A Thot?” eBook. You can like our Facbook Page here.



Jason V. Holmes

Single Father, Service Member, International Entrepreneur, Inspiring Writer, Podcaster, and more. Welcome.